Here's a few hints on how to keep your clothes in great condition.

  • Always check your pockets. It's amazing how much damage one white tissue in a black wash can cause!
  • Read the label and follow the instructions. Visit the Home Laundering Consultative Council websiste if you're not sure what the symbols mean.
  • Do the buttons or poppers up on duvet covers before you wash them. This avoids them being twisted and getting turned inside-out. It also prevents small items such as socks getting trapped inside.
  • Using fabric softener really improves the wearability of clothes and helps keeps them smelling fresh.
  • Hang your wet washing out to dry as soon as possible to prevent that 'damp washing' smell.
  • Only tumble-dry your clothes until they are just dry. Any longer and the heat will actually 'set' creases, increase static cling and can cause shrinkage. This is true for both natural and synthetic fabrics.
  • Give your clothes a light shake before you put them in a tumble-dryer. Tightly balled fabric dries a lot slower.
  • When you get your laundry back from us, un-pack it and put everything away as soon as possible. This will avoid it getting creased again and help keep the ironing clean and fresh.


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